On a recent bicycle ride I found myself on a very busy road with no shoulder. Despite the small rear-view mirror attached to my helmet and some 60 years road riding experience, the vehicles flying past me reminded me of the tenuous relationship between their drivers and the many folks who enjoy the view from bicycles and motorcycles. When I represent an injured bike rider, I come to the process from the perspective of the rider who must keep a two-wheel bike upright while dodging small rocks, potholes, loose gravel, pavement cracks and sometimes, darting animals while also being aware of the vehicles which may have large mirrors protruding well beyond the vehicle itself, may be pulling a trailer with wheels much wider than the towing vehicle, or may be operated by a driver distracted by a cell phone or impaired by other things. On the other hand, I drive a good-sized pickup with those extending mirrors and occasionally, a trailer behind it. I understand how frustrating and, often concerning, it is to encounter one or more bicyclists or motorcyclists that must be watched out for along with all the road signs and potential hazards along the way. None of us, as drivers, wants to end our day wishing we had not been involved in a tragic crash that leaves a rider, who is someone’s spouse, partner, dad or mom, child or grandchild, horribly injured or dead. By the same token, none of us who are cyclists/bikers want to be the cause of an otherwise cautious motorist, who is important to and loved by others, having to live with the memory of being involved in such a tragic event.

Drivers, keep in mind that most cyclists/bikers are decent folks who love riding and are trying to follow the rules of the road even as traffic becomes heavier on our streets and roads. Correspondingly, we cyclists/bikers, need to keep in mind that most motorists are good folks just trying to navigate the same congested roadways and who don’t always understand how small roadway hazards can cause us to quickly swerve or lose control of our bikes. I’d rather not see you or your grieving survivor in my office as a result of someone not keeping these things in mind. Be courteous and safe out there y’all.

©2022-Roland Brown